Welcome to Coach’s Corner !

This page contains a range of guidance, advice and technical information to help runners in the club. Take a browse and pick out the information you want! The page is constantly evolving so if the information you are seeking is not there please let Coach know and he will arrange to add it.


Do you want to know more about tempo training/running? This is one of the best articles I’ve read. Good explanations of what you are trying to achieve with this training and the benefits of it. 
Worth a read!

Including sports massage into your training regime can help you to prevent injury but it can also help your overall running and performance. Find out more here. 

Being de-hydrated can lead to a serious deterioration in your running. How do you know you are properly hydrated? Find out here.

Yasso 800s are a great workout in their own right but are particularly helpful if you are training for a marathon. Find out all about them here.

Your running will naturally slow as you age. Using age grading statistics can be a positive way to motivate you with your running. Find out more here. 

Here are facts and figures to help you understand your fuelling and also how to manage your weight. 

Having a bad run or bad race can be very disappointing. But there are things you can do to minimise it happening again. 

Find out more about Fartlek as a training technique.

Whether it is improving your park run time or smashing your 5k race, there are a series of things you need to consider. Have a look here.

Interval training is a great way to improve your overall fitness and running pace. Find out more about it here.

The attached document provides a range of tips to ensure you are well prepared for race day. This was compiled with a marathon race in mind but can equally be applied to other distances. 

Here is guidance on the benefits of easy running and the pace you should consider doing these runs at.

It is well known that long training runs should be run at a slower pace. However, all too often runners get this pace wrong. How can I check that I am running at a slow enough (or what I call a ’sexy’ ) pace? 

Getting over a marathon takes time and following a sensible recovery plan will pay off. Shortcutting it will come back to bite you later in the year! Here is a sample recovery schedule. Speak to the club coach for more details.

’Go hard or go home’, ‘no pain, no gain’ are running mantras you so often hear. If you really want to be consistently faster as a runner then you need to start training smarter rather than harder. 

It’s helpful to be able to calculate a predicted race time for an upcoming race. This calculator calculates a range of potential race times based on a recent race performance at a different distance. 

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